Moovit: Bus & Train Schedules (Mod apk, Unlocked)

Moovit: Bus & Train Schedules (Mod apk, Unlocked)

The unlocked version of the app worth $23.49 for Free.
Name Moovit: Bus & Train Schedules
Compatible with Android 5.0 or latest
Updated Sep 21, 2023
MOD Premium Unlocked
Size 87 MB
Offical Link PlayStore

Download Moovit: Bus & Train Schedules Mod v5.128.0.596 for USA users.
Mod version with unlocked full & premium features.

Moovit: Bus & Train Schedules Mod apk

Public transportation is one of the foundations of urban life and without it, all urban activities will face problems. Many people use public transportation to go to work, school, home, etc. Governments try to make the use of public transportation as high quality and comfortable as possible so that citizens prefer this method of transportation to the use of private vehicles. It is very important to be on time when using public transportation and to be able to plan your trip accurately, it is very important to have the departure time of public transportation. And Moovit app will help you to track USA public transportation details.

Moovit: Bus & Train Schedules

Moovit: Bus & Train Schedules is an application for knowing the departure and stopping times of trains and buses, as well as live routing on Android. This app was developed by the Moovit software group and released for free on Google Play.


This application supports the movement times of vehicles in the USA. So, if you living in the USA of often visit this country, this application is suitable for you. Using this app, you can get detailed information about all buses and trains with destination details and departure and stop times.


Key Features

  • Estimate the arrival time of buses and trains in real-time using GPS and the current position and speed of vehicles
  • Provide step-by-step navigation. Step-by-step guidance for using public transport until reaching the destination
  • Instant warnings of traffic, repairs, delays, etc.
  • Ability to provide reports by users in order to obtain additional information about stations and devices
  • Ability to define favourite routes
  • Warning in case of problems in favourite routes
  • Display of cycling routes and route information
  • Display a complete map of the bus as well as train route online and offline

What’s new in Moovit v5.128.0.596

  • View the live location of your approaching transit line as it moves across the map in real time, and know when your line will actually reach your stop!
  • Get real-time updates on when your line was last seen, and receive service alerts for your line — all on the same screen.
  • This feature is available for any transit type (buses, trains, trams, subways, ferries, and even cable cars) that shares real-time GPS data.
  • Moovit’s Dark Mode for Android is Here!

Download Moovit Mod apk [Full Unlocked]

Download Link:

Installation Requirements: Android 5.0 or latest
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